As a reminder, you have two different payment methods to choose between when choosing your tradesperson, arranging your job and receiving their contact details.
- 100 online payment: you pay 100% of the job price online before the job starts and before you have received the contact details of the tradesperson. You have to pay the full quote by card online. The amount is debited from your bank account and placed in your personal account on NeedHelp. Then, you will receive a “PayCode”.
It is your responsibility to give the number to the tradesperson once the job is successfully completed - and not before!
The tradesperson will only receive their payment when they enter the PayCode on their account - and then the payment is complete.
- Direct payment: you pay the service fee in advance and the remaining amount once the job is successfully completed. The service fee payment will be paid using the same method as above - while the method for the rest of the payment is arranged between you and the tradesperson (eg cash, wire transfer, etc.).
All transactions done via the platform are 100% secure.
Please note that NeedHelp will not be able to intervene in case of payment disputes if you have chosen direct payment, as the transaction is conducted directly between the client and the tradesperson.
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